Sitting outside the EFFCOM room at like around 8:30am, I took out my CKT worked examples to practice my circuit calculations. Soon, the tutor and my classmates arrived one by one, and off we go to another boring lesson. I brought my thumbdrive with Frozen Throne along to the lab and when I tried to play, it couldn't open itself as there's no direct X. What noob comps the school have seriously. CKT and DFUND aren't bad today as we learned about using the K map to simply the circuits. Well, a few of us like Zhuan Yi manage to fall asleep though lol. APEL is my favourite lesson now, suppose to be an 1 hour tutorial, Mr Clement Chew came late and after talking about some online quizes, he let us go at around 12:30pm. Thats like 30mins eariler from the time we end lol.
For class bonding, we went to the KFC 2 roads away from our school for lunch. Since the food in KFC aren't suitable for me and Junkai, we went to the coffee shop and eat. We went back to KFC after our lunch and found them having lots of fun which each other. Man, I wish I was there eariler haha. We took a near perfect Class Photo and parted with each other shortly. What a long day I have.
Q904 OWNAGE ~!!!!

That's it folks, cya next time.
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