Went with Geoffrey and only saw Eldred Xuhui and Anas, wow -.- what a class gathering.
Nvm, played 1 match of bowling with them and Xuhui trashed me with a score of 130+ while I only got 98 lol.
After that Geoffrey was hungry and wanted to eat, hence I accomppained him to a chicken rice stall.
Ok, went back after and found out that Eldred and Xuhui still playing bowling -.-, the 12th game lol.
They taught me how to do a hook ball and eventually after playing 2 sets of bowling with shitty scores like 68 I finally got the feel of the hook ball.
Ok so after that they went bball, and I went to look for Kokhao and Geoffrey with are playing pool, wanted to play but no money liao so nvm.
Geoffrey was hungry again lol, so we went to eat again, this time at Simple Food.
We took Bus No.3 after our meal and parted at Tampines Interchange with Geoffrey going to Pool AGAIN with his other friends and Kokhao taking a bus to Yishun.
Met up with Jovan Jovin Liqing Jason to shop around T1, with Jovin buying a new Nokia 5800 touchphone and Jovan buying a new pair of sneakers.
Went to some figurine shops and I took some silly pictures lol.

Itachi's hair seriously fucked up lol.



So we went to Mac and eat afterwards and went home.
Ok, I forgot to upload some pictures that I took during our Escortion of Dajie to her workplace on 26 june LOL. They are right here :)
Jason have a huge Icecream, same for me :)

Group Photos.

That's all folks, cya next time.
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