Monday, December 21, 2009

Hello people, this blog is long dead haha, because of my job in urban write, studies and others.
So far, exams are over and I have 1 week more of holidays.
I should be going back to work during CNY and my next holiday.

Went to catch the movie 'Bodyguards and Assasins' with my friends today.
Quite a interesting and exciting show, just a little too bloody.
I wonder why they rated it 'PG'.
There's lots of violence involved and IMO isn't suitable for kids.

Did went to the arcade before the movie and as per usual, Daytona time.
Yeye, Jovan did it again, bang me and got last again because of that.
Seriously next time I gonna go all out on him LOL.

May update this blog more often now, so rejoice folks.
Cya next time.

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