Sunday, September 8, 2013

I am back.

3 years, yup I am finally back. 3 darn long years since I've updated anything on this page. I will be updating it once again, hopefully it will be for a long time. So, what was I doing for the past few years? Many things had happened, good or bad. This will take ages to complete if I were to list down everything. 

Basically now,
I got a diploma.
I am serving the army currently.
I have a job.

Pretty much that sums it all. Went to a friend's Birthday Party yesterday and somehow the breeze that blew at ECP made me ponder much about what will be my future be. People are getting older by the day and although I am still 21 years old this year, time will eventually catch up with me.

Time passes by too quickly, damn. Time to plan my future and what goals would I want to have. Goals are the force that pushes one to his limits if he's passionate enough and I believe everyone needs to have goals to succeed in life. 

I do have a few in mind now.
To get a degree.
To earn my first million dollars by 40 years old.
To get married by 30.
To live happily ever after.

Pretty bold I suppose? I guess so. Still, I would love to earn that amount of money within 40 years old. By then, let them multiply by themselves. Greedy I suppose, but that's what it keeps us to push ourselves forward. Perhaps so, till next time.

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