Friday, January 31, 2014


Now Playing - 手掌心 by Della丁噹 (兰陵王 Ending OST)

新年來了! In a blink of an eye, another year had passed. Getting older day by day had made me realised that time is precious. So what have I been doing during the first day of the lunar new year? Celebrating with my family and friends! My father bought a pot of 盆菜 and one plate of 鱼生 to celebrate. It was from Lingzhi restaurant and wasn't cheap at all, about $200+. Guess what though, it's all vegetarian! Damn sedap la, well of course it is since it cost so much.

 盆菜 100% vegetarian.

100% vegetarian, looks cool eh.

Somehow the money was well spent, since we can get together and celebrate the festive season together. Times flies, even my nephew is 7 years old now and already in Primary 1. Gosh, I am really getting old now haha. What does that mean though? Time to grow up I guess. Starting saving up now for a family in the future. I will try to not be a spendthrift anymore, unless I strike toto haha. My millionaire dream still applies, though I had a big hole in my pocket now. The hole will be bigger after my braces, and speaking of braces, I kept delaying it omgosh. It's going into my teeth after CNY no matter what! No more reason to postpone it. 

Naughty Marvin trying to keep his cool with my cousin kidnapping him.

Cheeky little monster.

I did took a few photos with the help of my sister. Damn those sunburns around my eyes, got them for some stupid parade rehearsals. I'm already quite dark with all the swimming but it's much worse now lol. I think I will be able to blend in the dark sooner or later if  this keeps up. One of my colleague even said that I no

Finally, my Lunar New Year resolution is to get fitter so that I will be able to look better I guess? And well save up more money for Lasik to get rid of my glasses. Oh, and to be more careful when driving now! With this, I'll end this post with a 新年快乐!

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