Friday, January 10, 2014


Now Playing - Thunder by Jessie J

“Shrouded in the black thunderheads the distant lightning glowed mutely like welding seen through foundry smoke. As if repairs were under way at some flawed place n the iron dark of the world” 

Thunder is the epitome of fear for most children. When I was young, I would cower in fear whenever there's a thunderstorm approaching. I had enough though, determined to face it like a real man (or boy). With half of my heart filled with determination and the other half filled with doubt, I stood before the upcoming storm, like a brave warrior defying the rulers of heaven. 

Bang, the sky roared like a majestic lion. I started to regret my decision and wanted to back out. A part of me pulled me back while another part of me tried to get me to safety. It was a battle within me, a clash of titans ... in me. However, as the thunder goes on and on, I got more accustomed to the sound. The storm had finally stopped. It was all over, I had won. I had successfully reigned my fear. It feels good, to be able to conquer one of my greatest fear and not succumb into darkness. This is the first step of getting out of my comfort zone and starting exploring. 

As I grew older, getting out of the comfort zone was too bothersome. I started to get lazier and take things for granted. Fast forward till this day, I have been nuaing for too long, leading a monotonous life. No more of this bullshit though, since I've pledged to get rid of bad habits and explore more of what is outside of my comfort zone. Getting braces, butterfly style in swimming and learning basic piano is what is on my mind right now for the year. I'm sure it will yield sweet results. 

Some things are better left untouched for the moment, I'm sure things will get going after awhile. I have this bad habit of thinking too much which led to complicating myself in a lot of situation where I have no clue what's right and what's wrong. 

Some of which happen is the incident whereby I had forgotten to setup tables for one of the supervisor of the other sub department when I had promised him to. I had to attend some important matters that day which led to me forgetting all about it and I kind of feel bad of myself. Even though he's not really angry, I'm not sure how to face him in the future though. I'm sure I'm thinking too much. There's also another incident in which I've found a gem behind my secondary school. Thinking there's more underneath, I started digging and to my dismay there's nothing there. By then, I was way too deep in the hole and it was so so difficult to get out. I was covered in dirt and got scoldings from supervisors. I should not have think so much and just walk away in the first place.

So, it's a new year. Time to think simple and start in small steps for my conquest whereby I will expand my comfort zone by trying out more new stuff. I hope it will be a fruitful year for me, don't think so much and stay awesome as always.

I'm a red and fragile rose
Won't grow in the dark alone
Take me there cause I need to find the light

I hate that I'm scared of this
But you believe so I'll take the risk
Hold me and tell me I'm alright

Now I'm falling down
You lift me up to the clouds
Yes, I'm falling down
You lift me up Yea!

You make my hands shake
I watch the glass break
Around my guarded heart tonight
This ain't no mistake
You make my earth quake
You feel like thunder in the sky
Like thunder, thunder, thunder (oh oh)
Thunder, thunder, thunder
Like thunder, thunder, thunder (oh oh oh oh)
You feel like thunder in the sky

Broke free, saw an open road
Footsteps lead me to your soul
Now I run with a home to go to

Never thought I'd be this happy
If you asking yes you have me
How you change my thoughts, you'll never know

So when you're falling down
I'll lift you up to the clouds
Yes, when you're falling down
I'll lift you up yea!

You make my hands shake
I watch the glass break
Around my guarded heart tonight
This ain't no mistake
You make my earth quake
You feel like thunder in the sky
Like thunder, thunder, thunder (oh oh)
Thunder, thunder, thunder
Like thunder, thunder, thunder (oh oh oh oh)
You feel like thunder in the sky

I was broken and starting to think that I'm should be ashamed
Trebling and nervous and naked feeling afraid
Then you came and told me and showed to fight through the rain
Fight through the rain, to fight through the rain
Yea yea yea

You make my hands shake
I watch the glass break
Around my guarded heart tonight
This ain't no mistake
You make my earth quake
You feel like thunder in the sky
Like thunder, thunder, thunder (oh oh)
Thunder, thunder, thunder
Like thunder, thunder, thunder (oh oh oh oh)
You feel like thunder in the sky

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