Monday, May 4, 2009

Hi people, school starts at 12pm today for me, so good right haha. I took the bus at around 10:30am and went to meet up with Jason, Liqing and Manling to have breakfast. Liqing once again did not eat, expected de la, I think dajie wants to lose weight or smth LOL. Jason ordered a plate of vegetarian hokkien mee and we were shocked to find how big the serving is lol. After helping him to clear the food, we headed for school, as usual.

1st period was Maths lecture. Sian leh, look at those sums will die sia, so difficult and complicated. CKT lecture worse, I don't really even know what we studying about, but still can cope ba I guess. After that is CKT lab, I forgot bring lab shit. Heng the tutor never find out haha, if not minus marks. The tutor let us off early, by right 4pm lesson end but he let us 3:30pm, so good right lol.

Went to Mensa to eat afterwards, then to the library and did my assignments. Nigel then looked for me and we went home shortly after.

See this complicated device in the lab -.-

Jason looks blur lol.

That's all folks, cya next time.

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