Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Last Day Of 2013

#NowPlaying - Happily by One Direction

It's been a great year, though I have more mixed feelings about 2013. Ups and downs are part and parcel of life and without failure there won't be success. I'm satisfied on most decisions that I've made this year, though some were not so good. I will definitely improve on my decision making skills in the upcoming year. 

The upcoming challenge that I will face is the IPPT next year, will maintain my silver standard or even try to get a gold. And then there's my braces which got delayed due to the dentist have too many appointments to entertain mine. (Damn, must be earning loads) Finally, I want to get out of my comfort zone and start trying new stuff, such as travelling overseas alone, learn more strokes for swimming like butterfly, improve on pool skills, get a bike license, enroll into university and many more! Someone told me one must have many goals in order to succeed, and there I am trying to fit lots of stuff into my humble life. 

Last but not least, let me end this year with a few pictures.

My Travelling Companion.

My Photogenic Memory Bank.
Last but not least, my friends.

I hope it will be a good one for both you and me. May every conflicts in this world resolve peacefully and happily. See you guys next year! 

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