Thursday, February 27, 2014

Everyone's Getting Married

Now Playing - 命運 by 家家 (Lan Ling Wang OST)

Working in a big company, you'll tend to get to know more people. When that happens, you'll get invited to more events. Most of my colleagues are young adults much like myself, age varies from around 20 to 35 years old. When people have a stable job, they will start to look for a partner. When they find the other half and after their feelings matures, it's time to start a family. 

Somehow a lot of people around me are getting married this year. It's only near the start of March and I'm going for a 2nd wedding dinner tomorrow. There should be at least 4 more wedding dinners to attend this year, making it a total of 6 just from my company. I hope this year will be good since there's so many auspicious events going on. With so many people getting married around me, I wonder when will it be my turn?

New Room
Recently my sister got into Meridian JC and she needs a room for herself now. She's been sleeping with my parents for quite awhile now. There's only 2 rooms usable in my house since the 3rd room is used up by my father for his stuff. In need of an extra room, my father took the 3rd room and split it into half with a partition wall. I will give my room to my sis and move the to smaller room since I like smaller rooms as it's much more cosy and easier to manage.

The theme for my new room will be green and white mainly. I asked my father to have the walls painted green and I went on ahead to get furniture that are mostly white. Most stuff are pretty much done and the only things left are planning of the positions of the furnitures. I hope that a change in room will make me more lucky in whatever I do.

I finally got my ass up and visited the orthodontist after such a long time. It's located inside of Shaw House at Orchard Road. After much discussion with the orthodontist about how f**ked up my teeth is, I've managed get a date to put on the braces, which is either on 11th or 18th April 2014. The reason why it is so far away from the today's date is because I want to complete my IPPT first before doing anything to my teeth. I will have to extract a total of 8 tooth, 2 molars 4 premolars and 2 wisdom tooth. The orthodontist is still deciding if I should get rid of the 2 wisdom tooth though. I hope not because losing 8 tooth is not a joke, and god bless me if I can endure the pain. 

That pretty much sums up what I am up to for the past few months. No pain no gain I guess, to a better smile ahead, and an emptier wallet...

Monday, February 17, 2014

Shoe Lacing!

Now Playing - Wild Hearts by The Vamps

If you know me well enough, you will know that I HATE shoes with laces. That's right, those sneakers you often see at converse? Yup I hate them. The reasons why I hate them are pretty straightforward, it's a hassle to tie them and it leaves a ugly bow on your shoes.

See what I mean? Eyesore.

However, hating shoes with laces may be a thing of the past for me now. I got interested into
"Shoe Lacing Art" recently for some unknown reasons and boy I am glad I did. Lacing shoes into awesome patterns can be fun to do instead of the usual dull cross laces. This is what I did to my shoe after some time, it's called the "Zipper Lace". 

It's suppose to look awesome but not really here, but that's probably because my skills are not quite there yet and the lace's color may affect the attractiveness too. And stop, you're probably thinking that the reason my shoes are green is because I'm a vegetarian. NO, it's just happened to be green that's all. Not sure why but so many people have commented about my shoes being green because I'm a vegetarian and stuff. Such Stereotyping. Anyway, there's some other laces I want to try in the future such as the "Checkered Lace", "Bar Lace" and "Spider Web Lace".

I'll probably pick up some different color laces too to spice up my shoe's design. It's quite amazing that shoe lacing can be an art too!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

RSAF Air Show 2014

Now Playing - Cruise by Floria Georgia Line feat. Nelly

The biennial Singapore Airshow is here again. It is hosted by RSAF at Changi East Airbase and will be on show from 11th to 14th Feb for invited guests only and 15th to 16th Feb for the public. For the public viewing, tickets are sold at $17 if I am not wrong. Working in the government sector, I've managed to get a pass to visit the show for free! Haha that's another benefit of working in a government agency, the other being iron rice bowl (铁饭碗). 

We were given half day off from our usual working hours to visit this event, how awesome is this? Sadly, there is no parking slot allocated for us since it's mostly for VIPs. So we have to drive to somewhere nearby and park there before taking a taxi into the secluded camp. The first thing I noticed when we reached the show is there's alot of people. Most are not Singaporeans, mostly foreigners with half of them donning their countries military uniforms.
As we went on a weekday, there's only 1 time slot of the dynamic air show and we happened to missed it. Shucks for sure, but there's far more than just the dynamic air show though. There's a exhibition hall which comprises of various companies showcasing their military and aviation products and a static display field full of awesome aircrafts. We went into the exhibition hall first to take a look at what's cool nowadays and viola lots of interesting stuff on display.

Singapore made gun, should be a SAW.

Another Singapore made gun which shoots explosives.
5.56mm rounds! The ones we used for our SAR21 during NS.
Terrex, a armored vehicle used by the Singapore Army.
Moving on, I found a lot of very nice looking models of planes and what not. Not sure how much time they took to scale down a plane to a model with such precision. Perhaps if I had studied design I would understand more on how they did that. But still, it looks cool though.

Airbus 350 model.

Should be a F16 model.

Finally, lets move on to the big guns, the aircraft static display. I can tell you I was overwhelmed by the sheer size of some of the aircrafts. They are seriously damn huge! Well they do display small ones to, some even smaller than my own car lol. Still, it was a very interesting and unique experience to be able to stand under some of the aircraft's turbine.

This aircraft looks huge even from far!!

Ok sir I will take this as my own.
My very own USA cargo aircraft with me!
It has a very big butt hole..

Apache if I am not wrong.
Not sure what aircraft is this.

This trip is a very enriching one as I get to see alot of different aircrafts around the world. If you are a fan of planes, you HAVE to come. Too much stuff for you to see, worth the 17 bucks. If there's any complaints, it's just too damn bloody hot there, prepare an umbrella or something along the line and an extra $10 for the surcharge for taking a cab back home from that secluded area.

Monday, February 3, 2014


Now Playing - 手掌心 by Della丁噹 (兰陵王 Ending OST)

Hi folks. Someone took my blog layout as a reference. He posted my favorite vegetable and mushroom to express his appreciation and apology for the blatant copy, and so I am dedicating the following pictures to my dear friend for his efforts. Happy lunar new year btw.

For you and your bro Mr Ang.