Monday, November 11, 2013


Everyone lies before. Do you?

Lying isn't taught in our moral and ethics lessons and is usually deemed a wrong act, yet everyone does it every now and then. Why do people lie? To cover up something disgraceful they had done? To not let someone get hurt? To hide something they don't want anyone else to know? To gain something beneficial to them? I'm sure everyone in this world have their own little secrets and have lied before. To be honest, there is more chance of you getting strike by lighting than finding someone who doesn't lie in his life, ever. There are actually different kinds of lie and your lie may fall into either of these categories, depending on situations.

The first type are Beneficial lies. Beneficial lies are usually mean to help. They are told out of kindness and people benefit from them. They help avoid hurt, sorrow, insult, and impersonality. You lie to a long term smoking friend that the cigarettes were sold out ; parents lie to the children that their beloved grandpa is living happily in heaven. These do cheat the listeners, but the liars ought to be praised instead of being criticized. These are sometimes called  'White Lies'.

The second type are Broken promises. Broken promises are failure to keep one’s spoken commitment or promise. Broken promises can be especially damaging when the person who made the promise had no intentions whatsoever of keeping their word to begin with. Most of these lies does not have a happy ending when being found out.

The third type are Fabrications. Fabrications are meant to gain benefits and hurt someone else's reputation. They may come in the form of Deceits or Rumors. Deceits are mostly made by liars to gain benefits for themselves. Lawyers lie on the court to help his criminal client win the lawsuit; Conman lies to victims to gain their trust and eventually cheat on their valuables. These liars benefit from the lies and gain something in return.
In comparison, Rumors are more vicious. Rumors are made to pull any potential rivals down, or simply just to stir shit up. These happen a lot in the working world, and more between friends.  A politician and his party may make rumors that the rivalry in involved in sexual scandals or corruption; A person may come up with bad rumors of different friends to try and create feud among them.  These lies are very VICIOUS and if you do have 'friends' who does that, please try to stay away from them. They are not your friends at all.

The fourth type are Boastful lies. Boastful lies are lies that enhance a truth by exaggeration in order to impress someone. The person who exaggerates usually mixes truths and untruths to make themselves look impressive to others. An exaggerator can weave truth and lies together causing confusion even to the liar. After awhile the exaggerator begins to believe his or her exaggeration, which I may know a few of these people.

The final type are Neutral liesNeutral lies are meant nothing and are much simpler. When asked about private matters, people may tend to avoid speaking the truth by telling a lie. People may lie to prevent anyone from entering their heart and feelings too. This does no harm to both sides and is a protection to privacy. Most of us had used this lie before as a method of protecting our own world and thoughts.

I am a human and I have definitely lied before in all of the categories. Most of my lies comes from 1,2, 4 and 5 though. Even so, I am trying to speak the truth most of the time now. It's not a good practice to lie often , be it good or bad.

 People tend to get bad habits easily and lying will be one of the easiest to get stuck with. Eventually, you will be lying at whatever you say, regardless of the severity of the topic, because you have a habit of lying. Some of the lies will get you into serious trouble. In order to solve the problem, you will have to use another lie to cover up the first lie, which led to the chain of lies you will have to tell. There is no way out. So stop lying so much and start saying the truth.

Lately, a chain of events happened around me and I don't even know what is right or wrong now. People changes fast, things happen too quickly, time passes by like a bullet train. No time to observe such bullshit anymore, gonna push forward and plan out my future. 

Pretty much describes my personality. Gonna change on it.

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