Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Many things are changing nowadays. Things come and things go, some people get rich and some goes low. Some find happiness, while some met sorrow. Life's never fair since the day we were born. I am pretty lucky to be born somewhere far away from war and hunger. People born in places like Congo and Afghanistan are not so fortunate though. Count yourself lucky to be living in Singapore. I wish I can help and end sorrow in the world, but that's not achievable without money and power. Pretty bold ambition eh? 

Enough about saving the world, I could not even help friends who are having trouble. Perhaps all I can ever do is to give moral support and be a listening ear. Pretty lame eh? I just hope time itself will heal their wounds.

This week seems fast too, it's already Tuesday damn. And finally Thor will be out in 2 days. Can't wait for the sequel, hope it's good. Oh yea ate some vegetable noodles yesterday thanks to one of my friend's 好介绍, was damn nice with all the peanut and almond sauce. Also, I found out that Garden by the Bay is an awesome place to chat, nice ambinence with a peaceful environment, well thanks to my friend again. If anyone needs somewhere to talk your heart out, that might just be the damn place for it.

I don't usually listen to slow songs, but this will be an exception, awesome song.

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