Thursday, October 31, 2013

Coding and Encryption

C, C#, Java, VB.NET, Pascal, Bring it On!

During my 3 week course (started last week), we were told to write a Chat Program. Seems like it's Socket Programming and I'm not familiar with it, so instead of enhancing the UI and features, I'll just add a simple login to the program.

To have a login feature, you'll need a database. I've wanted to use either Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server but it's not available. I'll just have to stick with Microsoft Access I guess, being not able to use stored procedures in a pain. I made a pretty simple database for the program, just one table lol. After which, They can create account by using my form I made, nothing fancy and very simple to implement.

After creating the account, you'll get to the login page where you login(duh). The program will check if you type in anything into the username box and password box. If there's nothing, the program will prompt you to type in something. After that, the program will connect to the database and check if the username and password matches. It it matches, you'll get into the chat program. If it does nothing, then you will be prompt with wrong username or password. The password stored in the database is encrypted with SHA-1 though hence it will appear to be random gibberish.

I am still not used to VB.NET yet, need more experience and training with this language. It's very different from C, C# and Java where you end with semicolons (;), instead they end with, well the word End in everything, even with If Else, Try Catch statements. Still, most of my work are using VB.NET and I will need to work on this to contribute more to my company. Also, while surfing the net I found a very interesting picture as a programmer, useful and funny to know.

Sorry about having technical posts like this but I just can't help it when I am coding, it's my passion I suppose? Also, I realise it's a joy to code when it's raining, you will have a very 127.0.01 feeling, if you know what I mean (:Last but not least, an awesome song I've been hearing on air for the past few days, oh yea!

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